Mr Gowresh Jeganathan’s (2014 A/L Hartley College) support for urgent kidney transplant

Jeganathan Gowresh, a Hartley College alumnus, at 23 years of age has suffered the failure of both Kidneys. He has had to halt his studies and his life for the last 2 years to undergo Hemodialysis every 3 days. 

He needs a Kidney transplant urgently to survive. His family does not have the amount of money required to treat him to save his life. 

Please make your contributions through Gopinath (0412622271) Hartley College NSW PPA committee member or use the crowd funding link setup for this cause, if you are interested.

Gowresh Jeganathan

Principal Message to HCPPA UK

The President,

Dear sir,
I’m writing this mail as a request of our old boy Jeganathan Gowreashan,  who is suffering from kidney failure at present. He requires financial assistance for his treatment. He is now an urgent need of transplanting his kidneys.I assure that the reports attached herewith are true. Your valuable support is solicited. 

Thank you. 
With Regards, 